Saturday, January 22, 2011

Galena SKute - my adult daughter and former number one minion!

This is Galena Skute! She is my adult daughter, we first met when i still played "bloodlines" (see: a vampire/lycan RP game available in-world. I found her wandering around when she was a little nublet - barely a few days into second life! I took G on as a blood angel and she later became my first minion to acheive full player status (she became a vampire).

Galena and i have grown very close and one day we just started refering to each other as family - she was my daughter and i was her mother .. it was that simple. Although i have left bloodlines and galena remains - we share many common interests; she has followed in my footsteps as a designer and i have developed interest in breedable horses after she did... we eventually sync up on interests!

I look forward to watching Galena grow and establish herserlf more inwolrd and will always be happy that she is part of my life and i can teach her a few things i know!

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